Join us for a thrilling day of motorcycle excitement at the Pro Rider Rodeo Motorcycle Skills Competition! You’ll watch the best riders in New England compete! This in-person event will take place on Sun Oct 15 2023 at 10:00 AM (Eastern Daylight Time).
While you’re here, be sure to wear pink! We’re going to turn SHD Pink for the day! MBCS will be holding a 50/50 raffle for the day. We have a line-up of vendors too! Molon Labe Cigars, ‘Mbellished by Maggie, 3rd Eye Tattoo (ON SITE TATTOOS!!!) Junkyard Grub Food Truck, Black Sheep Motorcycle Ministry shining boots, Let ‘er Rip Clothing, Hurricane Ridge Metal Works and more on the way! It’s going to be a great day at the Annual Pro Rider Rodeo at Seacoast Harley-Davidson!
Calling ALL Motor Officers, Pro Rider Grads & Skilled Riders! Get ready to compete to see who will win the coveted trophies this year along with helping us raise vital funds to support My Breast Cancer Support.
Competitors will compete in three categories:
- Police Officers – all certified Motor Officers will compete against each other
- Civilian Expert – anyone who’s competed before in a skills competition
- Civilian Novice – new to the competition circuit, some or no experience in competition before
Registration fee is $25. Competitors will pay day of the competition. All registration fees go to support My Breast Cancer Support www.mybreastcancersupport.org, a local non profit dedicated to patients & families here on the Seacoast. If you’ve got the skills and would like to register, click or tap the button below and put your wheels on the range!